Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tom, You Never Write Me Anymore

I'm getting a bit worried about my relationship with Tom.

Tom became my friend when I joined Actually, Tom works for MySpace, and everybody who joins MySpace automatically gets Tom as their friend. As a result, Tom has many, many friends -- 85,629,781, at last count. But according to MySpace, I have only one friend.

My one friend is Tom. He's all I've got.

So it would be nice to hear from him. I know how busy he is, and that he's got a lot of friends to keep track of. But I've always thought that we had something special going -- as he glanced winningly over his shoulder, alone in my otherwise cavernous, echoing, and entirely vacant Friend Space, casually attired in that clean white T-shirt, a crooked grin on his face, I sensed a bond between us. But since his initial communication, welcoming me to MySpace -- carefully phrased and discreet, I admit, but also somehow warm, and signaling a pecuilar intimacy between us -- I've heard nothing.

Mrs. Ahab tries to calm me on this, to make me take the long view. In any human relationship, she points out, the more popular of the two people involved always has the upper hand. I guess you could say I need Tom a lot more than he needs me. I even sometimes wonder if Tom would notice at all if I left MySpace tomorrow, if I suddenly disappeared from his bulging list of friends . . . No, too harsh, too harsh. We won't go there.

No, I'm not going to leave MySpace, and I certainly don't want to be a nuisance to Tom. But friendship is a two-way street. And if Tom is just going to ignore me, then by God, I'm just going to ignore him. We'll see how he likes it. Let him play with his other 85,629,780 friends.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm Back (Maybe, at least)

Well, I think it might be time to dive back into this blog.  So behold my re-emergence!
The real reason for my putting this BS posting up at all, though, is to try out posting using Qumana, and also to note that I'm impressed as hell with the people at Qumana and Lektora, the RSS aggregator that I'm trying out.  Basically, Lektora has a feature that lets you open up the Qumana editor from within RSS entry for any given article or post and blog the article directly, posting it to your blog(s) through a single interface.  (Supposedly works on Blogger, Typepad, and a variety of others; we'll find out now.)
Anyway, I was having trouble making Qumana work from within Lektora, and couldn't find the answer within the Lektora FAQ, so I fired off a quick note to Lektora support on this sunny Sunday afternoon.  Then, literally a few minutes later, I decided to open up my e-mail for another purpose, and found the solution to my problem sitting in my inbox -- from the company's SVP of strategy and corporate development, no less, whom I'll call Jon (because that's his name).  Tech support verification came a few minutes later, from someone I'll call Frederick (because . . . well, that's his name).
Don't have enough experience to vouch for the product yet -- but let me tell you, that is some kind of responsiveness.  So Jon, here's to you, Qumana, and Lektora -- from one workaholic to another.
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