Faith-Based Lie
Not much time to post today, but for the sake of actually contributing something, I did want to point out a longish but very worthwhile article by Ayelish McGarvey posted a few days ago on the American Prospect Web site on Bush's so-called deep Christian faith. Frankly, notwithstanding the many testimonials to the sincerity of Bush's Christian vision, I've always suspected that the whole narrative of his Christian conversion has proved in reality simply a rather convenient excuse to wipe away, for political purposes, his aimless and reprehensible youthful activities. McGarvey points out that
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The president’s storied faith journey began at the bottom of a bottle and led him all the way to the White House. But though these accounts ramble on for hundreds of pages about his steadfast leadership and prayerfulness, they all curiously rely on one single event to confirm that Bush is a man transformed by a deep Christian faith: He quit drinking and took up running instead . . . Judging him on his record, George W. Bush’s spiritual transformation seems to have consisted of little more than staying on the wagon, with Jesus as a sort of talismanic Alcoholics Anonymous counselor. . . .There's much more in here worth reading -- but the bottom line, to McGarvey, is that, judging from his actions, "the available evidence raises serious questions about whether Bush is really a Christian at all."
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